Virtual or extended reality

Another digital transformation technology that is already with us, but still has a lot to offer. Since the huge success of Pokémon Go during the summer of 2016, many users have been open to the charms of augmented reality.Going forward, this technology will serve to add virtual elements to everyday reality or create completely immersive experiences. Brands that manage to adapt their aesthetics and values ​​to this type of format will be able to obtain multiple benefits in the form of interaction and awareness.

5) Blockchain

Blockchain or chain of blocks is the technology on which bitcoins are based, but it has many more applications. To this day, a pioneering group of startups is already investigating how to use it in sectors such as financial transactions, contracts and product tracking.

Simply put, the blockchain is a universal sharing system that allows immutable values ​​(money, identities, product journey from origin to final recipient) to be stored in such a way that they are immediately available Brazil Phone Number List to any participant in the chain. To start understanding how it works and what its implications are, there is a Chrome plugin that allows you to experiment with the blockchain: MetaMask.


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6) 3D printing

3D printing is another of those technologies that build bridges between the virtual and the physical, this time allowing you to comfortably print any 3D design. Its implications for the marketing  TR Numbers  of the future are transcendental, since for many products, it can end the classic distribution cycle.

If users can print their own products at home, transport logistics is no longer necessary and the value is no longer in the physical object itself, but in the design. This can lead to a real revolution in the ways of marketing.

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