The most effective content marketing formulas

Content marketing is an indispensable element of any marketing strategy. However, creating attractive and quality content is a big challenge. Therefore, marketers need to use content marketing formulas to create effective content and attract customers’ attention. In this article, we will review the most popular content marketing formulas.

The most effective content marketing formulas
The most effective content marketing formulas

See more: Breakthrough strongly in multi-channel communication with Content Marketing

AIDA content formula

Currently, AIDA is a widely used Content Marketing formula. This content formula includes 4 main elements: Attention, Interest, Desire and Action.

AIDA is a widely used Content Marketing formula.
AIDA is a widely used Content Marketing formula.

We can give a specific example of the Vinamilk brand. Vinamilk uses the AIDA model combined with a content marketing strategy to understand customer needs and provide suitable products and services. The company applies an important principle in marketing which is to create content relevant to customers to attract their attention.

Attention – attraction

The first element of AIDA is Attention. On the internet today, you only have 2.5 seconds to attract and retain readers with your article. Therefore, the first task of a Content Marketing article is to create curiosity and attract the attention of readers. To apply this content formula, you need to ask yourself questions to select your audience, identify the problem to be solved and create an attractive opening sentence.

For example, for the group of children aged 0 to 6, Vinamilk has introduced Optimum Gold and Dielac Alpha Gold powdered milk products, focusing on height and intelligence development – ​​these are key points that attract parents with children in this age group.

Interest – interested

To write an engaging article, you need to create interest and stimulate the emotions of the reader. Have a highlight to attract readers and present logically the features of the product or service, compare with competitors. To do this, you need to understand the desires of the audience and choose the appropriate information. Use other information and certificates to increase persuasion. You need to have in-depth knowledge of the product or service, and understand the pain and desires of customers to write a quality article.

Vinamilk continuously introduces the benefits of using their fresh milk products, providing users with the necessary nutrients according to the body’s needs, such as brighter eyes, taller stature, and more intelligence. In addition, the article also gives useful advice on how to use the product and the benefits that customers can achieve when using the product. This creates excitement for customers.

Desire – evokes longing
In your copy, focus on the unique features of your product or service and clearly state what your customers want. However, to make your readers want to own it, you need to take specific action.

Vinamilk has invested carefully in both product content and images, providing consumers with useful information, meeting their needs and interests; paying attention to customer reactions, giving immediate feedback. To create a desire for the product by focusing on its benefits. Vinamilk has come up with slogans such as “taller, healthier, better immunity…” This is the desire of parents when looking for milk products for their children.

Action – action

Action is the final part of the AIDA content formula that determines whether your article attracts customers or not. If there is no call to action or the call is too slow, customers may skip it and find another address.

In particular, CTA (Call to Action) is an important element in any marketing campaign, which is the element that calls for action from customers or consumers. It often appears at the end of marketing messages, including calls such as “Buy Now”, “Sign Up”, “Download” or “Call Now”. The purpose of CTA is to stimulate customers or consumers to take a specific action, helping to increase conversion rates and create business efficiency. If the CTA element is missing in a marketing campaign, customers will not know what to do next and may not be motivated to take the action that the business wants.

Vinamilk has created continuous product experience campaigns to encourage customers to connect with the business. Charity campaigns such as “1 million glasses of milk for poor children” and “Healthy You, Healthy Vietnam” have been used as a highly humane purchase call. Thanks to that, Vinamilk has created consumer trust in the humane values ​​that the company brings to the community.

SSS content formula

The SSS content formula in content marketing is a sales writing technique through the use of star, story, and solution elements.

Star: Focuses on branding, building a good image of a product or service, or demonstrating product excellence.
Story: Tell a story related to the product, create uniqueness and attract customers’ attention.
Solution: Provide customers with solutions or advice to solve their problems or needs.
The SSS content formula in content marketing is a highly effective writing formula.
The SSS content formula in content marketing is a highly effective writing formula.

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Using the SSS content formula helps create highly persuasive sales articles, attract customers’ attention and help increase sales. A specific example of a famous brand using the SSS formula in content marketing is Nike.

Star – Star (using a person’s image)

To build a strong brand in content marketing, focus on a positive image of the product or service you offer. Providing information and positive reviews gives readers an overview and makes them feel more confident when making a purchase. Proving the excellence of your product with awards, reviews from experts or previous users, and statistics on how customers prefer your product over your competitors are also effective ways.

Nike brand ambassadors such as Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Serena Williams and many other sports stars have become symbols of success and relentless effort in sports. This also helps Nike promote customer support and create trust in its products.

Story – story
When writing content, incorporate emotional storytelling to connect with your readers. Stories can be inspirational about overcoming challenges or sharing experiences and insights. This helps readers feel motivated to overcome challenges in their lives and recognize the value of your product or service. Stories also add authenticity to your use case and create an emotional connection with your customers by providing concrete examples of how your product or service can solve their problems. Stories can also help create a human connection, helping customers feel like they are participating in a meaningful story.

Nike has a very special story. The brand was founded by Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman in 1964 in Oregon, USA. From a small shoe store, Nike has become one of the leading brands in the sports industry with a diverse product portfolio, from sneakers to clothing and accessories.

Solution – solution

Specifically, you need to identify the problem or challenge that your customers are facing and solve their problem. You need to provide a suitable solution. However, you should not force your customers to use your product or service. Instead, use sincere and simple advice to build trust and a better connection with your customers. This will help increase the persuasiveness and reliability of your product or service.

Nike doesn’t just sell products, they offer a lifestyle and a “Just Do It” philosophy. This has helped Nike create a community of fans who are passionate about sports and willing to take on challenges.

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By using the SSS content formula, Nike has introduced its story and how it contributes to the lives of consumers by providing high-quality products that help them overcome their sporting challenges. This helps the brand create trust and affection among customers towards its products and services.

PAS content formula

PAS is also a very popular content marketing formula. It is an abbreviation of the words: Problem – Agitate – Solve.

A specific example of a famous brand using the PAS content formula in marketing is Coca-Cola.

To apply the PAS content formula in content marketing, first identify the problem that the product/service solves. Then, put that problem at the top of the page to attract customers’ attention in a creative and attractive way, helping them recognize and feel that it is an urgent problem that affects them.

Coca-Cola realized that many consumers were switching to other drinks, such as fruit juices, smoothies, and natural soft drinks. This threatened Coca-Cola’s sales and the brand needed to find ways to retain customers as well as attract new ones.

Agitate (Stimulate)

Agitate is the next stage in the PAS formula of content marketing, and it is tasked with arousing the customer’s interest in the problem by describing in more detail the negative consequences of not solving the problem. Convince the customer that the problem needs to be solved immediately by emphasizing its negative impact on the customer’s life, creating a tense situation and the need to solve the problem.

Coca-Cola has created emotionally evocative advertising campaigns to promote the illusion of satisfaction from drinking Coca-Cola. For example, their “Taste the Feeling” ad depicts the feeling of Coca-Cola contributing to memorable moments in life and conveys the message that Coca-Cola can bring happiness to consumers.

“Solution” is the stage that helps introduce a specific and convincing solution to customers in solving the problem. The writer needs to provide full information about the product or service, how to use it and the benefits that customers can receive. By providing evidence or advice from experts, customers who have used that product or service, the article will become more convincing and trustworthy.

Coca-Cola has developed new products, including new soft drinks like Coca-Cola Zero and natural soft drinks like Honest Tea. This allows Coca-Cola to attract new customers and retain old ones.

Coca-Cola uses the PAS content formula to address the threat to its sales by stimulating customers’ curiosity and fantasy about the satisfaction of drinking Coca-Cola, introducing new solutions, including new products. As a result, the brand has created a precise and effective message to retain old customers and attract new customers.

STRING content formula

The string formula in content marketing is a content writing method that helps increase the persuasiveness and effectiveness of the article. “String” is an abbreviation of 5 words: Share – Teach – Reward – Intrigue – Nurture – Generate.

The string formula in content marketing is a popular writing method.
The string formula in content marketing is a popular writing method.

Share knowledge, experience or useful information about a certain field or industry to help customers better understand that issue.

With the Share defining channels is crucial and we must take part of the STRING formula, Nike uses online advertising campaigns to get their sports products in front of the right audience they want to target. Nike uses online advertising services like Google Ads and Facebook Ads to deliver ads to sports enthusiasts, especially athletes and sports players.

Teaching customers how to solve a problem or perform a skill, through the provision of instructions, lessons, or reference materials.

A specific example is the Nike Training Club (NTC) campaign

NTC is a free fitness app from Nike that offers more than 190 workouts and workout programs based on sports activities such as yoga, running, walking, weight training, and more. Nike used a content marketing strategy to “teach” customers how to use the NTC app to train effectively. In addition, Nike also created educational content, customized workouts, and held workout competitions on the NTC app to increase customer engagement and build an online fitness community.

Create value for customers by offering them rewards, incentives, or prizes to encourage them to take a certain action.

Nike has used various forms of rewards to encourage customers to make purchases and increase their brand engagement. An example of Nike’s rewards is the NikePlus Program. This is Nike’s membership program that allows customers to accumulate points through purchases and sports activities. Customers can use the points to redeem free products, discounts, gifts, and exclusive Nike experiences. This rewards increase customer engagement with the Nike brand and helps build a community of Nike-loyal sports enthusiasts.


Create curiosity and pique your customers’ interest by using interesting questions, stories, or information to make them want to know more about your product or service.

An example of how Nike creates curiosity among customers is through the release of special product collections or limited editions. For example, Nike launched the Air Max 1 “Curry” shoe collection with new colors and designs, making shoe enthusiasts curious and eager to own this product. By limiting the number of products and introducing them aol email list for a short time, Nike creates curiosity and a sense of exclusivity for customers, while increasing the differentiation and value of the Nike brand.

Build relationships with customers by providing them with valuable content and engaging with them, which increases their trust and engagement with your brand.

An example of Nike’s Nurture is the brand’s launch of the Nike Run Club (NRC) program – a free running and training app for users. This app not only provides training programs and running plans, but also provides health, nutrition and psychological care information for users. In addition, Nike also offers running shoes and running apparel products that are designed to provide maximum care and support for athletes.

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