Basic functions Real-time automatic

In addition, since text and speech data are subject to strongDue to  protection of the large security system, there is no risk of information leakage and you can use it with confidence. Basic functions Transcription results Translation function Real-time transcription function Lecture content automatic summarization function Recommend points In addition to transcription and translation, it also has screen record and schul functions so it can be us in a wide range of situations. Text can be it even dur transcription.

Translation results can be shar

On any device Hotels People who want to introduce Turkey WhatsApp Number Data tools that are useful in business scenarios other than translation Those who are look for a tool with high-precision transcription and translation capabilities Refer to the official website Minuz Minuz Overview is an online conference translation tool equipp with its own The translation engine can generate natural sentences just like human translation.

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The tool was develop with the

Assumption of be us in business scenarios so it has features necessary for business use such as creat meet minutes to hold meets with people overseas Italy Phone Number List and the strong security provid by Google Cloud Platform. This is satisfy. Additionally there is no hassle of installation requir and it is compatible with standard web browsers on smartphones as well so the ability to translate on the go is a big draw.  translation function Real-time automatic transcription function Multilual meet minutes creation and download function Recommend points Since the language of the speaker can also be switch dur the meet, it can be us without any problem even in multilual meets.

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