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I want to use the live subtitles feature in but don’t know how. I don’t know how to get the most out of the live subtitles feature. If you have any questions please wait until the end. What is the Live Caption feature in meets? The Live Caption feature is a feature that automatically transcribes meet content. This feature is useful when a speaker speaks too fast and misses content, or when creat meet minutes. From here we will explain the prerequisites for us the Live Caption feature in meets.

Prerequisites The follow prerequisites

must be met to use the Live Caption feature in. Have El Salvador WhatsApp Number List a microphone that can input sound You have an account and register as a member If you meet the above three conditions, you can use the real-time subtitle function at any time. But pleasepeople who want to use the translation function must register separately and pay. If you want to know how to translate, please refer to the introduction of automatic translation tools that thoroughly explain how to automatically translate meet content.

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How to Use Live Captions

There are two ways to use the Live Captions German Phone Number List feature us your computer and us your smartphone. We will explain it in an easy-to-understand way through images so please refer to them when us the live subtitles feature. How to use it on a computer Next I will explain how to use the live subtitles feature on your computer. Click the More button after start the meet in . Teams Live Caption Click the Language and Speech button. Team Live Caption Click the Open Live Caption button. Team live subtitles now have English live subtitles enabl.

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