The HR portal: a single entry point

is a scalable and tailor-made HRIS. It is, in fact, possible to determine the modules that you really need. Thus, you adapt the tool and configure it according to your requirements in terms of administrative management.

Eurécia is accessible on any type of screen (mobile, PC or tablets) 24 hours a day. Secure, Eurécia keeps data confidential, making it a tool whose reliability is guaranteed.

The HR Portal is the collaboration tool that makes up the HRIS

This human resources management web platform offers employees, managers and HR teams secure access to personal and professional data. This facilitates collaboration between different departments.

However, everyone only has access to the HR data that concerns them. Communication between HR and employees becomes much smoother Benin Phone Number List and faster. The HR portal automates tasks to improve processes such as leave and absence management, working hours, etc. This simplifies employee lifecycle management.

The HR base to retain employees

A company’s HR base is a means of centralizing all of the company’s administrative and HR information, such as information on employees , human resources management, legal information, compensation management , skills and internal communication.

Many companies today are organized around missions and projects. Employees are no longer tied to a department and can be deployed in different ways. In addition, companies increasingly tend to outsource, especially through freelancers, temporary workers and small specialized companies to carry out certain tasks.

While these changes are strategic, they increase the workload for recruiters and their teams. But this is also where the HR Foundation can come into play. In fact, the HR Foundation allows all HR teams from different offices, facilities, agencies, and even branches to find the same information in one software.

It is a high value-added solution that brings TR Numbers significant benefits to HR departments and their personnel management departments.

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