According to data from We Are Social , centennials are more likely to use social media to keep up with what their favorite celebrities are posting, preferring to follow actors over brands. Instead, millennials tend to follow brands they like on social media, and are more likely to visit brands’ social media pages and share their posts.
To take advantage of this trend in your marketing strategy , think about how you can use the influencers most admired by centennials to promote your products and services, and don’t forget to take into account the power of micro-influencers ( users with fewer followers on social networks). networks than “classic” influencers, but with a closer relationship with each of them).
Her favorite networks are Snapchat and Instagram
Facebook is the most popular social network worldwide among all digital generations… except centennials. Already in 2016 Snapchat surpassed Facebook as the most popular social network among American teenagers, and it does not stop adding users in the group of 12 to 17 years.
One of the main reasons for this preference is privacy. Millennials have Malta Email List jumped headfirst into social media, but centennials are much more wary of what they share. For this reason, they are attracted to closed networks and with ephemeral content, which also explains the success of Instagram Stories among this generation.
10 tips from Forbes to sell to the new digital generations
1) Don’t create ads, create value
Centennials are even more critical of advertising than millennials . Since they have never known life without access to the internet and mobile technologies, they are aware of the price of their care. They have never sat down in front of the television to watch the commercials, and they don’t plan to do it online.
Instead of advertising, offer them resources, channels and profiles that TR Numbers give them what they are looking for , be it through entertainment, information or tutorials. The key is to get them to engage with what you volunteer, rather than force your content on them.