Since July 17, 2019, Instagram has been running a multi-country test that hides the number of likes and video views . The affected countries are: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ireland, Italy, Japan and New Zealand. Instagram has carried out this test in the hope that Instagrammers will stop looking so much at the likes and views of the videos. The intention of Instagram is for users to focus more on photos and videos shared by their friends or followers instead of likes/visits. Although the owner of the publications will be able to see this data.
Pinterest puts focus on video content
Pinterest has announced news about its video options. Brands or companies that have a presence on this social network will now have a tab dedicated exclusively to their video content and an updated button to upload audiovisuals.
In addition, new video analysis metrics have been activated, making it possible to know the data of a video from the moment it was released. Unlike other networks, videos on Pinterest have a very long life and continually keep appearing in feeds . The new features are available for business accounts in all English-speaking countries, plus France and Germany.
LinkedIn expands its campaign goals
LinkedIn has updated their campaign manager and added 3 new options:
- Brand Awareness : to increase the visibility of our brand. You pay for impressions (CPM: cost per thousand).
- Website Conversions : integration with “conversion tracking” tools has Canadian Email Lists been improved to optimize campaigns with the aim of achieving specific actions on your website, such as purchases, downloads or even event registrations
- Job Applicants : for clients of “Linkedin Talent Solutions”. They can direct candidates to their own website or to LinkedIn itself for candidates to sign up for job postings.
Facebook makes advertising competition to Youtube
Facebook wants to compete with YouTube with more options for advertisers and video creators.
One of the most interesting novelties is the new advertising TR Numbers options to monetize the videos, with three types of advertising breaks depending on where they appear:
- Pre-roll : before the video.
- Mid-roll : during the video, interrupting it.
- Announcement below the video : It’s new. An image ad appears below the video, without interrupting it. A great option that does not impair playback for the user, but allows the ad to appear throughout the video.