How to calculate the conversion ratio

The formula for calculating the conversion ratio is very simple.

Simply divide the number of users who performed the desired action by the number of unique visitors to a website. The resulting figure is multiplied by 100 and voila! You now have your conversion rate.


For example, if your website received 10,500 visits last month and generated 150 conversions, the conversion rate was 1.42%.

 How to know if the conversion rate is good

The ideal conversion rate varies greatly depending on the sector , the action being measured in the conversion, and even the time of year. For example, on a hotel website the conversion rate will always be much higher during holiday periods (summer, Christmas, Easter, etc.) than during the rest of the year. The same occurs with e-commerce sites that have high conversion peaks during periods such as sales or Christmas.

Are you considering starting an ABM or Account Based Marketing strategy in your B2B company ?

More and more companies are choosing to implement

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Don’t feel like reading? Here’s a summary of ABM marketing

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Originally published on January 13, 2022, last updated on April 10, 2024

Table of contents

What is ABM or Account Based Marketing ?

2. When to implement an ABM strategy?
3. B2B ABM Objectives
4. How to implement an ABM strategy?
5. Types of ABM strategies for B2B companies

5.1. One to Many Strategy

5.2. One to Few Strategy

5.3. One to One Strategy

6. Advantages of applying an ABM strategy
7. Tools to use ABM B2B marketing
8. When does ABM marketing not work?

1. What is ABM or Account Based Marketing ?
ABM , or account-based marketing , is a type of strategic marketing strategy where we focus on specific accounts, allowing us to address the needs of each client individually , instead of trying to sell to a broad and diverse audience.

“Around 70% of B2B companies have dedicated part of their resources to developing programs based on Account Based Marketing.”

To better understand it, we must explain that it is a strategy that combines content, technology and commercial actions with the aim of making it known to a high-value audience or highly defined segments of a commercial audience.


Abm personalized marketing

an ABM strategy, but why? 87% of B2B marketing experts say that ABM outperforms other business initiatives in terms of ROI. To implement these types of initiatives, collaboration between marketing and sales departments is key. By working together, they can acquire high-quality customers, thus improving the company’s business results.

Nowadays, it is crucial to understand what Account Based Marketing is and how it can increase your sales. In this article, we will explain the concept of ABM and assess whether your company is ready to adopt this strategy.


Keep in mind that this is a high-cost and highly personalized strategy. Therefore, your product or service must also have a high price to obtain a positive return on investment. Below we will tell you when it would be interesting to start an Account-Based Marketing campaign.


 When to implement an ABM strategy?

ABM strategies are expensive due to the need for personalization , as it helps you work and communicate with high-value potential customers, as if they were individual markets. Therefore, your product or service must also have a high price, in order to obtain a positive return on investment.

An ABM marketing strategy is interesting for you if:

You are a B2B company. Sales processes in B2B buy phone number list  companies are usually longer and more expensive. In this sense, an ABM strategy is key to attracting new customers.
Your Ideal Buyer Profile (client company) is a very specific type of company or belongs to a specific niche. In these cases, an ABM strategy is ideal agb directory because it is highly personalized.
Your customers’ lifetime value is high. How much revenue does an average customer generate for you? If the figure exceeds €15K on average, we can consider an ABM strategy. First, learn how to calculate your customer lifetime value.


Resources that help us close meetings to continue

the sales process. It is no use having a database full of leads if we do not have anyone to qualify them and contact them . Therefore, these will be the tasks that the Inside Sales person will carry out within a company.

Table of contents
1. What is an Inside Sales?
1.1. Difference with a telemarketing profile
1.2. Characteristics of an Inside Sales
2. What type of companies need the Inside Sales figure?
3. Inside Sales: aspects to take into account
4. Remote sales function: How to manage leads
4.1 Managing business opportunities
5. Importance of working on the Inside Sales figure in a current B2B company

1. What is an Inside Sales?
We cannot begin this article without first knowing the definition of this concept: An Inside Sales salesperson , nothing more and nothing less than a person dedicated to support and commercial management . But with the savings that this represents, since all the processes carried out are carried out electronically.

This professional manages leads electronically , that is, he uses both digital and telephone channels to establish contact and gain a deeper understanding of the needs of the client or company with which he wants to establish commercial purposes.

Difference with a telemarketing profile

The difference with a telemarketing profile is mainly that in telemarketing companies the contact is known through a scripted structure with a series of questions common to all types of users and that can be asked by anyone, even if they do not know 100% of the product/service offered and do not have extensive knowledge of the market.

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