How to Launch Ads on TikTok? Webpromo Blog

Advertising on TikTok seems attractive to businesses, as the social network is rapidly gaining popularity and is a leader in terms of downloads. In 2023, the platform had about1.9 billionactive users. The figure is expected to grow to 2.35 billion by 2029.

In this article, we’ll tell you how to launch an ad in TikTok Ads and get results no worse than in

Facebook or Google Ads.

TikTok Advertising

Read also :Viral asia mobile number list Content Trends on TikTok — SEMRus Research h

What is TikTok: principles of the platform
TikTok Advertising

TikTok is a social network that allows you to share short videos with your followers. The platform attracts content makers with its ease of video production and video distribution system.

The specificity of TikTok content is its brevity: at the beginning of its “life”, the maximum length of a video was only 15 seconds. Today, the limit is 10 minutes. In such a short period of time, the video should “hook” the user, tell them a story, make them laugh or teach them something. Thanks to pleasant emotions, we hang over scrolling the feed and want to get even more quick pleasure.

If you are a new user of the platform who wants to share content with the world, TikTok will encourage you to do so. Thus, the first videos of the channel are guaranteed to receive views. Further promotion by algorithms depends on two factors – a positive audience reaction and regularity of publications.

What businesses should pay attention to TikTok?
In short, TikTok advertising is an effective tool for everyone, but with a caveat. It all depends on the goals of the advertising campaigns, so the results may vary depending on the niche. For example, in the B2C sphere, TikTok advertising is suitable for restaurants, cafes, clothing stores, beauty salons, etc.

Among the main


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advantages of TikTok advertising for business:

Loyal and solvent audience (18–34 years old – 68%).
Rapid growth of new users.
A large set of oura ringa: to je nedostatak pretplate advertising tools that are suitable for every stage of the sales funnel.
Suitable for any niche if the goal is chosen correctly.

Users are more likely to be loyal to sponsored posts if they are presented natively.
The advertisement takes usa cfo up 100% of the screen and the sound starts playing automatically.
Wide targeting settings: gender, age, location, language, interests, gadget cost, mobile operator, connection type and operating system.
How to create and launch advertising on TikTok?

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