Operational marketing in B2B companies: development of strategies and results

Operational marketing is capable of generating short-term results. Strategic marketing requires much more time for research, analysis and market knowledge, so its results are visible in the long term.
Through various analyses, strategic marketing detects the needs of the market and sector, analyses them and satisfies them, seeking business opportunities . Operational marketing already has pre-established objectives and directly proposes actions to achieve them.
If we talk about markets, strategic marketing would look for the most feasible and effective one among all of them. It seeks competitive advantage. On the other hand, operational marketing opts for what is safe and acts on markets that it already knows or has as a target.
Operational marketing seeks commercial objectives and generates results quickly. This would be the most impulsive part of marketing. Strategic marketing , on the other hand, would be the brain. The most intelligent part in which much more effective and long-lasting plans are tactically proposed .
In B2B environments, the need for this strategic factor is even more present . For more complex and diverse decision-making processes and potential clients, we need deeper analysis of the market and business at an internal and external level. Data is power and translates into the possibility of finding new business opportunities.

Strategic and operational marketing are two necessary factors to achieve good results in B2B businesses.


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3. Areas in which Operational Marketing works
Now that you know what operational marketing is and how it differs from strategic marketing, let’s investigate what it consists of and what areas it works on. Here is a list of everything you should consider when preparing your operational marketing plan.

How much budget do we allocate to the strategy? Operational marketing considers all the planned and additional expenses of the marketing plan. It divides expenses between departments and tries to optimize costs.


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New call to action

What tools do I need? We are talking about both software and technology, as well as qualified personnel for the execution of the strategy: salespeople, programmers, inbound marketers, CRM management experts…

This aspect is very important to analyze because it can make us realize that we do not have the necessary own resources or that these are too high and it is interesting to opt for other alternatives such as outsourcing services.


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Organization of responsibilities
Delineate tasks and responsibilities to achieve maximum coordination between our Marketing and Sales departments. This is also the responsibility of operational marketing! We call this contract between departments SLA (Service Level Agreement) and it improves your communication and efficiency in your daily work.


4. The 5 basic pillars of Operational Marketing

Finally, I want to show you 5 key rules that asia mobile number details every marketing professional should know when creating their operational marketing plan.

By following these points, the probability of success in your next actions will be much greater . Remember that it is important to carry out a america email list preliminary phase of research and strategic planning before getting down to work with the tactical part. Take note!

Operational Marketing without a strategy is not effective in the long term
Although it is designed to generate results quickly and attract potential clients, it is not sustainable over time without a strategy that can adapt to the needs and evolution of each project. The success story of Emuca is a perfect example!

Create a roadmap and coordinate your actions

Determine what actions will be necessary to achieve your goals, what resources you will need and what part of the team will be involved in each of them. Schedule your actions so that you can have a clear and orderly vision of the journey. At Connext, we create The RoadMap , a personalized action plan for each company, with the essential actions to achieve results and reach its KPIs.
Don’t lose sight of branding
Another factor that you should take into account when working on your operational marketing is your content strategy . Communication and branding are key when it comes to creating a brand reputation. Pay attention to your communication on social media and establish templates for your sales representatives’ sales pitches.

Webinar: How to choose the most profitable actions for your annual budget


We know who our Buyer Persona is , but which segment will each of the actions impact? Operational Marketing puts on the table the specific segments or audiences that each of our planned actions will impact.


What will be our communication medium?

If we have not skipped our first strategic phase, we will know which communication mediums are most efficient for our product or business model. In operational marketing, we will detect which actions to take in each of them.


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