How to manage an SEO and SEM positioning strategy in B2B companies

Another advantage of combining both strategies is that through SEM you will also be working on the visibility of your brand . This is very important because if your goal is to improve your positioning, appearing among the top positions (even with ads) will help you generate credibility and trust in your brand. You will become a reference in your sector and you will be in the top of mind of your potential clients.

With this PPC strategy your company will have more visibility

and more linking options that you cannot achieve with an SEO campaign, since the improved ad formats will allow you to link to specific points on your website in order to reach the end user much better based on the search they are performing.

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Control the investment
One of the keys to SEM strategy is that you can know the maximum amount of spending you can allocate to each keyword for which you want to position your business. This, together with a good measurement of results, will give you an overall view of the success of your campaign.

It is quite common for companies to run Adwords campaigns but they don’t work, and in most cases this happens due to a lack of proper measurement . Here is a super interesting article that talks about paid

Media strategies and why they don’t work for companies

A bundle of anything that advertiser obtained on permissioned sites (that have decent database quality or quantity — you can get leads/boosts from using them) for advertising your business and/or sales angst.We even perform weekly special database database updates. My all the database are fresh and update 2024Feb All GDRP follow so you can buy here in cheap rate.

Attract qualified traffic to the website

Another advantage that we can take advantage of by combining SEO and SEM is controlling the keywords that convert the most and knowing which assets and content end up consolidating into qualified traffic. That is, the traffic that ends up creating a conversion in a form based on the business objective that has been defined.

Having identified the keywords that are worked on the landing pages will allow us to analyze traffic that comes from organic and paid traffic and adapt our strategy based on real results and not on the intuition of those that we believe are the ones that convert the most.

Take tests
Another advantage of unifying these marketing strategies is to check the performance of any of your pages through A/B testing .

Imagine you have a new product

that you want to make visible and you are wondering where to place the form on the page. With the SEM strategy you can direct traffic to both versions and obtain conclusive results on whether one or the other works better.

This will allow you to subsequently improve the page to link it on your website and boost its organic positioning.


Activate remarketing campaigns and boost sales!

Combining your SEO and SEM positioning special database details strategy will also allow you to impact the user during the purchasing process effectively . Perhaps they have visited our website through organic traffic but it has not generated the conversion we were looking for.

If that same user leaves our website and continues browsing, we can, within a few minutes or days, impact them again with a personalized ad agent email list on different platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.). This is remarketing and it can be used to boost sales that have not yet been made.


Which strategy should I start with?

As we have told you, the ideal is to work on SEO positioning to generate stable and long-term results and to gradually lower the cost of acquiring your clients. When starting this strategy, it is advisable to carry out a thorough study of who your potential client is, how they search, where they do so and what their purchasing process is . If you do not do it this way, you will not be adding value to your digital marketing strategy and your results will not improve compared to what you are doing now.

If you need to give it a boost and start getting results immediately, you want to launch a new product or

Explore new business opportunities, then you should rely on SEM

Ultimately, we cannot conclude that one of the two strategies is ideal, what weight each of them should have to achieve the best results or try to standardize a model to improve the digital positioning of B2B companies .

In any case, if you focus 100% on SEM positioning, the cost per lead or CPL will be as high as the market bidding on the same keywords you want. Each company and sector is different. Therefore, each one will have to establish the maximum price they want to pay for each lead to obtain profitability.

cpc seo sem strategy

What about SEO? Quite the opposite. CPL will not depend on the players that exist in the market because there are no related bids but time dedicated to optimizing the website with metadata and creating new content. It is the only way to lower the cost of acquiring new customers over time by reducing expenses and taking advantage of our resources. In the long term, it is a profitable strategy that lowers the CAC or customer acquisition cost by itself .

If you still have questions and need help defining what type of strategy your business needs to boost its positioning and improve results, let’s talk.

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