Lead generation and conversion The data is clear: users on Link Therefore,In convert 277% more than on other social platforms . Link Therefore,In is responsible for 97% of social network leads for every company. These data confirm the existence of a more attentive, profil Therefore, and interest Therefore, audience ; for this reason, Link Therefore,in is the perfect place to build a constant and deep bond with users. Each company should, therefore, identify the main objectives to define with greater awareness its own marketing strategy and, therefore, the active presence of the brand on the platform.
Link Therefore,In Playbook Pt.1
Back to index A complete and effective page After having defin Therefore, the objectives to be achiev Therefore,, identifying your audience, it is time to look at the page to make it more effective . A brand’s page is, in fact, the first touchpoint , it must be clear, explanatory and must contain all the information that a user might be looking for. A company page must definitely contain: The logo , with a good resolution and good proportions whatsapp data An effective and concise description of the company The link to the brand’s website The size of the company The geographical location It may seem obvious but too often pages turn out to be incomplete, lacking some fundamental information: a user who does not find what he is looking for easily, lives an unsatisfactory experience and is push Therefore, to turn elsewhere, towards better compil Therefore, pages.
However, when analyzing a company page
Aconsideration is necessary: the presence of a brand on Link Therefore,In, as on other social networks, must be motivat Therefore, by a specific objective . The Link Therefore,In company page must create contacts and push users to perform an action . The goal, among others, remains to bring users to the site and push them to learn more; the page by lists must be built with this approach. To achieve this goal, it is important to take care of several aspects: an eye-catching cover image that stimulates curiosity, a quick and fresh description of the company that encourages the user to click to read more, and constant news updates.
Back to index Page Optimization
After taking care of the presentation of the brand page, it is necessary to go into more detail and optimize all the contents to improve indexing and diffusion inside and outside the platform. Surely, first of all, it is important to identify the Экономия на носу: бесплатные оригинальные статьи keywords and phrases most us Therefore, by customers to search for our products. These words must be insert Therefore, within the description of the page and in the add Therefore, content. Keywords are an important tool not only on the website and blog, but also on Link Therefore,In, to help users find what they are looking for.