Unfortunately this is almost always only partially

Sometimes it seems to disappear into a black hole. Other times you watch your content slide past a disinterestd audience like drid-up conveyor-belt sushi. You Probably Haven’t Properly Targete Your Content A one-size-fits-all approach to topics style format frequency timing and distribution won’t actually fit anyone. With audiences in complete control of what why how and when they consume online a content strategy that reflects them is essential.


 Otherwise you’re just shooting in the dark

Persona Profiles & Customer Journey Maps To The Rescue Our sample BB Customer Persona. Keep reading to download the Template. Producing a per overseas data sonal profile and customer journey map for each of your target customer segments is the first step in a properly targeted content marketing strategy. These two documents will describe your audience as you make strategic decisions that reflect their neds and will be continually use as a reference.


 It’s a living document that should be

overseas data

Updatd maintaind and tapd up on the wall next to your desk if ned be. Both are a bit much for a single blog post so I’ll just cover the Persona Profile guide this time around. After the obligatory overview of Personas I’ll go through it step-by-step and you c by lists an download our DOCX template. You Can’t Assume You Know Your Audience As marketers we make a lot of presumptions when it comes to audience insight.


 After all surely our marketing

And sales team …has actual data about our audience …has segmente our audience appropriately for marketing …and knows how different customer segm with the user and for this reason ents impact our business  true. In my experience only a third of the customer personas that are produce from a hunch are backe by data when we go to validate them. But validation showing your persona is basd on data not hunches is the hardest part of audience research and not all companies have the budget for millions of dollars in market research.

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