Have the right customers

Although wage portage offers a certain flexibility of work, management and connection, the employee carried remains above all an independent professional and must be able to develop his company thanks to his skills.

He must be able to canvass his clients, establish his prices and the extent of his service. He must also be qualified, either by a diploma of level BAC+2 or higher in the field in which he wishes to practice, or by a professional experience of at least 3 years in a similar activity. The supported employee must also be an expert in his profession, by mastering his know-how and knowledge.

Between the protection needs of the self-employed and the new demands of the job market, wage portage has opened up to non-executives .

Whereas it was formerly reserved for executives

Attention, in wage portage, you will not be able to work with individuals (ordinance of April 2, 2015). However, you can carry out missions for a local authority, an association law 1901 or a private company.

Nevertheless, to do business with your future client, the framework of your contract must take into account the following points:

  • You must carry out a non-recurring or non-achievable task internally, the company does not have the expertise and the human and/or material resources to carry it out. In short, you should not hold a job within the client company.
  • Your contract is for a maximum of 3 years.
  • The task at hand does not have to be perilous.

Professions incompatible with wage portage

In addition to the self-employed targeting a target made up solely of individuals, wage portage is also impossible for workers in certain sectors of activity, such as:

  • Personal services, such as mobility assistance TR Numbers for seniors or childcare.
  • Activities regulated or governed by professional orders, such as chartered accountants, doctors or notaries.

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