But it may not be allow. Step 3 Wait for a few seconds to connect the microphone Participate as a speaker from the Help Center Step 3 When the microphone is on you can speak as a speaker. Sett up a public scope space is now available to all users. A feature that allows hosts to set visibility when creat a space was test but has not yet been implement. Share on Twitter Share easily on.
Once you create a space it will
Automatically appear on your followers’ timelines. You Brazil WhatsApp Number Data can also schule your space in advance and let your friends and followers know by post. Useful features of the space: those who are unable to attend. Anyone can view the space, not just the participants day. If record setts are turn on when a participant joins a space, the record data will be retain as an archive for days. Archiv data can also be easily shar via direct mail or tweets. Notify guests of your schule in advance Space owners can schule delivery of the space up to days in advance.
Once you set the schule you can
Give advance notice on the schule. Listeners Mexico Whatsapp Number List who want to join the space can be notifi when the space starts by click the Announcement button. Remove or Block Participant Block from the Help Center Some users may make offensive or inappropriate comments or disrupt other participants when a space is open. In this case the moderator or co-moderator of the space can remove the block or report user’s voice. This allows the space to operate safely.