It’s official: native advertising has become essential for online marketers. So much so, that in 2018 it will represent a quarter of the income of online media, according to a recent study by the International News Media Association and the Native Advertising Institute. In addition, 48% of media companies surveyed were already using native formats and a further 29% planned to introduce them soon.
Native advertising is the darling of advertisers thanks to its ability to provide an organic user experience. In the age of ad blockers, it has become abundantly clear that internet users reject intrusive ads. Instead of trying to restrict their freedom, native advertising is committed to listening to them and providing them with content that they really want to consume, to seduce them instead of imposing them.
To take full advantage of the benefits of this type of advertising, a good selection of content is crucial. It must be useful, interesting and, above all, adapted to the specific audience you want to target.
2) Content marketing, a “classic” that never fails
If native advertising is like a candlelight date, content marketing is more like a courtship. This discipline of digital marketing is based on creating a long-term relationship with the consumer , through the creation and distribution of content that is attractive and relevant to them. In short, it is an ongoing process that you must integrate into your overall marketing strategy.
Content marketing is the closest thing to a “universal formula” in the world of online marketing . Since each company can adapt it to its objectives, it works for Netherlands Mobile Number List all types of companies and products. The keys: be consistent and always respect the tone of your brand.
3) Influencers, the way to reach your audience
Although influencers have always been present in the marketing landscape, in recent years their weight has become increasingly important. In 2017, influencer marketing will be one of the most effective ways to get in touch with current and potential customers, especially through social media. And it is that according to a recent study by the IAB, no less than 85% of users follow influencers through social media.
Influencer marketing is an opportunity to create word of mouth through people your audience already follows and admires. You have a whole world of possibilities TR Numbers at your fingertips, so take advantage of them!