Surely you have already celebrated it with your co-workers and have made a dinner or company lunch to de-stress and have a good time together.
We had a great time at Christmas lunch and the final climax was the invisible friend moment. The thanks was that we sent each other clues the days before, to guess on the last day who had touched us.
We did a round to get it right. If you didn’t guess, then you lost your turn and you had to wait for it to touch you again, guess right, and thus be able to receive your gift. The important thing was not the material detail (they were all very nice), but the fun and laughs we had trying.
We consider ourselves the happiest company in the world, not because we think we are the best of the best, but because we are a happy team.
Any company can become a source of happiness. She just has to work on that track and start with the 2 main ingredients to be the happiest company in the world herself:
- Put people first , then the good results will come by themselves because people will work at ease if they feel supported and understood.
- Trust in all directions . When you trust people, that they will take South Sudan Email List responsibility for their goals, in their abilities, that they will help you when you need it, that is when everything really flows and people feel valued.
We encourage you to go down that path and that going to work every Monday is inspiring .
After these tips on business culture and happiness, we can only wish you wonderful holidays and invite you to see how we celebrate it.
Feel like a cyberclicker for a while and be part of the team watching the #ChristmasatCyberclick video!
There are a couple more filters that can help you out and if you have the premium version the filtering options are even better.
Searching using keywords also helps, you just have to include the TR Numbers position you hold in the company in the search engine and if you do not know the position you hold, enter the name of the company.