Digital advertising on LinkedIn

The Cartesian principle of advertising is to be where the consumer is. And the trend of this century is digital. More than half of the world’s population uses the internet and for a business that wants to increase its profits, this is where it should be.

In a few figures, the average conversion rate is 9.21% for Facebook ads; 4.40% for Google Ads and 0.57% on the Display Network. According to WebFX, the ideal conversion rate is around 10% for your web ads.

But with the multiplicity of platforms, finding your part and getting your message across on the web is not as easy as it seems. The key ? Identify the advertising platforms that perfectly target your audience and apply best practices to convert!

1. Ads on Facebook

Facebook is the juggernaut of social networks with almost 3 billion active users each month. It is also the most popular social platform for businesses, especially those targeting the general public.

Ads, or Facebook Ads, are very easy to set up and edit. The Ads Manager is very intuitive and offers you campaigns by objective.

Facebook bots even do the optimization Colombia Phone Number List and performance-enhancing work for you. However, it is possible to go further and set up A/B tests yourself.

3. Advertising on Twitter

Its main advantage? His messaging application: Facebook Messenger. Thanks to it, you will be able to reach even more Internet users with offers that will increase your profits. You can communicate directly to your audience’s inbox to increase click-through rates.

However, not everything is rosy in the realm of Facebook Ads. Mark Zuckerberg’s social network is a victim of its popularity. All brands want their advertising on Facebook, which leads to a traffic jam of advertising messages and, for businesses, more competition.

However, who says competition says more TR Numbers expenses to have better results. It is in your interest to clearly define your target to maximize your ROI and take advantage of Facebook Ads!

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