What is wage portage? A few elements of definition

Carrying out your professional activity as a self-employed person or as a freelancer offers many advantages. This allows you to be in control of your time and to work on projects that are important to you.

However, freelancing has a major drawback: you don’t really benefit from the same social protection as under a permanent contract. Added to this is the fact that a freelancer must imperatively devote time to the management of his activity and not only to his core business.

For this reason, many freelancers choose wage portage . This solution allows you to benefit from several advantages, at a time when more and more people are looking to find freelance assignments .

But then, what is wage portage? How is his net salary calculated within the framework of wage portage? What are the costs related to this solution and what are the different existing techniques to optimize it?

We tell you everything you need to know about wage portage.

Wage portage is a form of employment present today in France and elsewhere in Europe which consists of involving, within a tripartite relationship , an employee, a client and a wage portage company.

The operating principle of wage portage is relatively simple: the wage portage company acts as an intermediary between a client company and a freelancer. The umbrella company then employs a self-employed worker while signing a service contract with its client.

This solution is halfway between salaried work and freelancing. Indeed, the freelancer is free to choose his missions while benefiting from the status  Ecuador Phone Number List of employee. The client, for his part, can have a consultant or a freelancing professional without having to hire him.

Payroll has many advantages

First of all, it allows a freelancer or a self-employed person to benefit from the same social security as an employee (particularly unemployment benefits).

He also has the assurance of receiving a regular salary, while choosing the duration of his work and his missions. This also makes it possible to entrust TR Numbers  the administrative, financial and accounting management of its activity to the portage company.

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