Partner Strategy
Here we will look for other brands that we can collaborate with for mutual benefit. For example, if you sell car parts, surely you are interest in collaborating with workshops and dealerships.
To spot collaboration opportunities, think about other products associat with yours that consumers buy before, at the same time, or after. Include a list of companies related to the marketing plan and a plan for contacting them.
11) Referral Strategy
A good referral program can increase your sales exponentially: think about what would happen if each of your clients brought you two new clients!
But for this type of marketing strategy to work, you need to have a good referral plan that includes how you are going to encourage customers to make referrals and the rewards you can offer in return.
12) Strategy to increase the amount of the purchase
The average purchase amount is a fundamental metric for the success of any company. Generally, it is much more efficient to get current customers to buy more than to try to get new customers.
For this reason, it is necessary to include a section in the company’s marketing plan on actions aimed at increasing the average value of the purchase, for example, a thoughtful price increase or a promotional pack.
13) Loyalty strategy
Loyalty strategies seek customers to make Kuwait Email List repeat purchases over time, increasing profits without incurring the cost of constantly looking for new customers. Two very common examples of loyalty actions are point cards and newsletters.
14) Financial projections
For a business marketing plan to be brought to reality, the numbers have to add up. For this reason, it is essential to project the expenses derived from the actions detailed in the plan and the benefits that are expect to be obtain with them.
15) Executive Summary
While this section typically goes right at the beginning of TR Numbers your marketing plan, I’ve includ it last because it’s the last thing you should write. As its name suggests, this section is a summary of all the previous sections, intend to quickly find the most important information.