The storyexperience is a concept recently present by Elia Guardiola, CEO of Serendipia, and Natalia Zapatero, managing partner of Turiskopio, at a conference on hotel innovation. In his opinion, “we have gone from storytelling, in which the brand defines the experience, to storyexperience, where the experience defines the brand “, according to what is extract from the Hosteltur article . This idea is very valuable for hotels, since they are “containers of experiences” for customers.
According to his presentation, these are some of the principles and characteristics of the storyexperience:
It encourages hoteliers to tell the story behind their philosophy, their products and their services, within an emotional marketing context . It seeks to Antigua and Barbuda Email lists provoke emotions to motivate the connection with customers. The story must offer a promise , since promising something and following through on it is a way to earn the trust of customers. The company must be able to perceive the emotions of customers, understand them, recognize their role in sales and use them.
Clients and workers must be conceiv as people and not as numbers
Search for a methodological and strategic design of the experiences , in order to offer them to the client at all contact points. As for its advantages, the storyexperience manages to captivate TR Numbers and capture the client through the story and facilitates the differentiation of the brand and the establishment of personal relationships with clients, both current and potential. It can also contribute to increasing profit margins , since hotels have “the opportunity to generate status for their customers by creating a personaliz experience for each one of them.